Sunday, May 16, 2010

Finding Good Rental Properties For Business Needs

By Elliot C Davidson

Perhaps the rental space you are currently in isn't big enough to accommodate your business growth or if it isn't conveniently located for your customer base. Perhaps you are just opening your business and looking for a good location. If that is the case, you are going to need to consider a few factors; price, location, target market, and target revenue.

Before you consider price and location, you need to carefully analyze the needs and the potential of your business. Careful market research is the best way to do this. Figure out your target market and how much potential that market offers in your area. Figure out what competition you will be up against and how much you expect to make per month. Although without considering rent it can be hard to estimate your income after expenses, try to determine what common utilities and other business expenses will be and weigh them against your forecasted profits. When doing this, always estimate with the least you expect to make per month to cover yourself in case of a slow month.

If you are opening a retail space you need to not only consider actual floor room for stock, but also storage space including store supplies. This is an important detail many fail to think of which causes tremendous problems down the line.

With your estimated budget for []rental properties in mind as well as the space you need, you need to again consider your market base. Your space needs to be easily accessible to your customers and offer ample parking. Drive around and look at potential properties and make calls about viable places. Think about your budget, the location and the size and choose accordingly. Keeping all of these things in mind, you should have no problem finding the perfect rental property.

Elliot Davidson has over 15 years experience in the property industry. He enjoys writing about the property market and []houses for sale.

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